Thursday, November 5, 2009

Online Earning Skills: Online Degree

This week I have brought a hot new topic for you "Online Degree".  But the question arises?

Does Degree matter for an online earning?

In my personal opinion, i will say NO. If you have the skills then why should struggle for a degree.

But a big YES because of the following reasons:

  • I know that what i know but how come other's know about me
  • we need a proof of our skills
  • First TRUST is always a blind, a Degree works
  • You can earn more and be a more professional person if you have a Degree
  • without a Degree you will be understood like a layman

There are number of other reasons that you can think about how important is the qualification and what impact it will bring on the personaility and professional career.

Why we need a Degree?

Degree does not work everywhere. if you have a Degree but no skill you will be punked.Degree is a need of a time, degree also develop and polish skills inside you. So we need a Degree to show what area of expertise we have and it will help the employer to determine that what job best fits for you.

How can we get a Degree?

Very interesting question.... isn't it.

Yeah....! a kid knows that for a Degree you have to be atleast Pre-graducate level qualified. Then you will apply in a university for a Degree program. I am talknig about the graduation degree. We may have heard about other Degree programs like:

  • PHD Degree
  • M. Phil / MS Degree
  • Master's Degree
  • Doctorate Degree
  • MBBS Degree
  • MBA Degree
  • BS Degree
  • Engineering Degree
  • Medial Degree

There are other sub branches of each of above few prescribed Degrees

WHY of an Online Degree?

To take an Admission and start your study career what you need:

  • go to university to attend the classes
  • do the assignment, quizez 
  • research work
  • exams
  • spend more than a half day in university and the other half while preparing for tomorrow
  • if a univesity is not in ur neighbours it will take time in transporation

I conclude that though you are getting an education but still you are wasting a lot of time.



So in order to SAVE your time and to get an excellant quality of education you may choose a distance learning program. A distrance learning program does need you to go abroad and get a high education. You can get a quality education while sitting on you home.


If you have a good quality education you have more skils.

More Skills will lead to More Earnings and a Bright Career!

Happy Earnings!
